Exciting events · Joseph Pratt's interests

Could 2017 be my blog’s best year yet?

I have been able to give you guys more than 700 blog posts in three complete years, which are 2015, 2016 and 2017.  In all three of those years, my blog has been seen by various people at least 1,000 times in a single year.

So, could 2017 be my blog’s best year yet?  Well, according to my blog’s statistics, that might be the case.  It’s not official yet, though.  As of this blog post, my blog has been seen 1,113 times since the year began.  That number will change as soon as someone sees this blog post, though.

In 2015, my blog was seen 1,146 times by various people in a single year … and, in 2016, it was seen 1,053 times by various people in a single year.  As you can see here, 2017 could become my blog’s best year yet … and it could happen as early as next week, if everything goes well.  Thank you for helping me get to this point.

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